Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!!
Love, The McKinneys
Mark, Katy, Drew (10), Mary Helen (9), Eliza (6), Katherine (5)
We hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the rest that comes with a break in the routine.
Our year can be summed up in three words...Chickens and Paideia Academy.
This summer we bought 11 chickens, so Mark spent the summer building a chicken palace.  Katy began teaching first grade at Paideia Academy (kid's school) three days a week, and homeschooling the other days.  Mark has carried the weight of the family with Katy returning to work.  Drew is in 5th grade, Mary Helen 3rd, Eliza in kindergarten, and Katherine is in Pre-K.

Here is the run-down of the Top 3 “Bests of 2015” for each of us...
Mark--building chicken coop, traveling with Knox Pro Corps to Dominican Republic & Panama
Katy--being mommy, homeschooling my girls, being back in the classroom
Drew--playing Ebenezer Scrooge in school play, spending a week at cousin’s house, achieving A/B honor roll
Mary Helen--getting ears pierced, being with family, working hard at school
Eliza--learning to read & write, playing Ticket to Ride and Legos, gymnastics
Katherine--dancing, snuggling with Mommy and Daddy, playing with siblings and imaginary friends

We love you all!!

Blessings on your year…