Sunday, August 11, 2013

An adventure

Why do I still think I can control my circumstances and make life feel manageable??  One would think after the last year of my life, I would not revert to such thinking.  But the Lord has me there again--feeling so very out of control of my situation until I finally see, "'re making sure I'm depending on you again, right?  You're putting me in this position where I feel really unqualified and unprepared and basically scared out of my wits." starts tomorrow.  Oh my...

When I first thought about homeschooling our kids, I did NOT think I would be doing it this long.  Kindergarten and first grade...MAX.  We are now entering our fourth year of homeschooling.  Last year was such a doosy that I am really nervous about this one.  I had planned to have my house completely organized and feel so very settled before school started...HA!!  I had planned to have our fall semester all planned with all the extras we will do layed out...HA!!  Such plans are now out the window and we begin tomorrow on a wing and a prayer-- holding Mrs. Angel's hand on one side and Mrs. O'Hern's hand on the other.

I am so thankful for these wonderful women and mentors who have chosen to walk this crazy-road of cooperative homeschooling with me this year.  And so we begin.

I was reading a book this week, The Fiddler's Gun, by A.S. Peterson.  Listen to what he said...this impacted me:

"Sometimes the path is hard to hold to and people fall off along the way.  They curse the road for its steep grades and muddy ruts and settle themselves in hinterlands of thorn and sorrow, never knowing or dreaming that the road meant all along to lead them home.  Some call that road a tragedy and lose themselves along it.  Others, those who see it home, call it an adventure"

So...I'm not sure where this road of educating our children is leading us.  And I have no doubt we will encounter lots of thorns and ruts along the way.  But I do hope we will not lose ourselves and that will will hold tightly to Jesus who walks with us and to each other as we walk this adventure together.